Apr 6Liked by Santiago Pliego

I caught your interview with Tucker this morning then immediately read your post. Brilliant. As a Boomer and a Christian wife, mom, grandmother and business owner, I'm smiling today knowing that there are young brave men out there willing to fight for truth. Thanks! (From a small town in KY)

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I also arrived via Carlson's interview. While Twitter freedom did mark change in discourse, many of us had been drawn to SubStack as a result of the excesses of the pandemic. Huge numbers then found the platform where alternate theories could be debated among the like minded and we were not drowned out nor cancelled for thinking masks and other mitigation actions were failing. It didn't help that media was going on daily with dire warnings which were beyond silly stoking fear in way too many - needless fear.

So the dam broke when the public, at large, refused the boosters. They were discarding fear and were questioning the media dogma because they could observe for themselves. And the voices within SubStack had become public knowledge.

I can see the valiant effort on X to push J6 as a way to discredit Trump, but I suspect many now question the government's overreach. We do seem at a turning point where we are beginning to really distrust much of what the media is saying - perhaps because they repeatedly are found in error.

We see Carlson't large audience and many tuning into alternative media, like NewsNation, for other opinions. While Fox News remains king, others are failing to reach an audience. We are quite willing now to be contrarian in our views and not worry so much about the nonsense among the foolish young on campus. Hopefully this is a trend back to some cultural norm where we are comfortable thinking for ourselves.

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I also found my way here via Tucker, and I want to quibble with one point in your brilliant, inspiring essay: there *are* young ladies out there who are WIDE AWAKE and rolling their eyes at the nonsense every day. They're just not loud and obnoxious like the pink-hat crowd, so you don't notice them. Look harder! Together, you all will change the world 😊

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Feb 27Liked by Santiago Pliego

Great post, SP. I live in NYC and can say from experience that many people I encounter seem to be sensing the shift, even if they're still hesitant to admit that they've noticed and regard it as a welcome change.

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I've just caught you with TC on X.....ah yes X.... I was SO happy to listen to a young person with hope and the will to do. I knew it would come. It's terrible to think that my generation is (I'm 73...) doom and gloom "Scandinavian dark soul" ( love that, TC) and always saying the world is going down the tubes...(WW2!!?) Come on guys, give the kids a break and give them a chance. They can and will do it. We may not understand how, us ol' fogeys, doesn't mean they (you) don't. Loved it. I was yelling with joy by the end. Thank you 🙏🙏🕉️💃🦸

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Ironic to learn about you on Tucker Carlson today. I had been thinking just the other day that all the chaos going on is a lot of projection designed to protect the hierarchy. That maybe things are actually getting better now that the curtain is being opened. Just like it did for the great and powerful Oz.

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We are shifting whether anyone likes it or not, the question was asked but for how long and how can we steward it?

We often find ourselves sobbing several times a day in public and private because we know deeply changes are happening for the better, sobs of gratitude wouldn't be happening unless we felt change may actually take hold.

The LONGING felt inside isn't our own, it's collective and spiritual in nature, we want others to experience the same longing because power comes of it.

We hope more people write about the vibe shift and what it offers humanity because it's real and immense courage to fight is harnessed from it.

The old programming has to go, humanity deserves much more, and is capable of goodness rather than evil.

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Feb 25Liked by Santiago Pliego

Sensing a vibe shift as well. I believe many of us are keen to have our—and others’—epistemologies tested against reality.

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FYI, I came here via your interview with Tucker Carlson.

I'm an expatriate West Coaster living in Sweden for 22 years (married a Swede).

I feel I'm out of touch with the USA, even though I visit family for a month every year.

I'm about to visit again, so I will now check on the 'vibe' as far as I can detect it in Phoenix, Southern Oregon and Northish California.

From Stockholm the USA seems a mess. I worry about two of my grandchildren, the youngest ones, who still live in California. The other descendants are 40 to 60 years old; I am biologically programmed not to worry about them (in this context).

I have no solid feeling for how the younger generations are affected by the smart phone and like 'advancements' in communication and game technology, but I know I don't like it.

My wife has some wonderful young grandchildren, one of whom I am close with, geographically and in the family sense. I see him growing up well and am encouraged by this. I have been designated by his mother as his English language coach (English is over 90% spoken here, and mostly very well) so I will be able to tune in when the coaching starts (another couple months, I think).

I like your optimism--it is needed. It's hard for an old fart who has seen the deterioration since the end of WWII. The music was so much better decades ago...

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I thought perhaps it was cognitive dissonance, but "The Vibe Shift" absolutely describes what I am experiencing. Thank you for the equally fascinating and thought provoking blog. Your writing makes me feel hopeful.

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You are spot on my friend! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and allowing us to be reminded of “hope” and “grit”, as well as, the strength of moral character in many young American men!

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My first Substack article. I’m an old guy following Tucker. Wish i had my life to live over again. It would be an honor to hang out with you and your cohorts. Forge on!

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Mar 5Liked by Santiago Pliego


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Amazing, inspiring read, from someone who is suddenly aware that he’s been too “black pilled.” I, too, came here via Tucker. I write my own Substack, don’t know if it’ll show up or not since I just got the app (I’m away from my desk) in order to read the whole article. Whatever, I can always post it later. Let’s move forward and build something! (As an ex-academic I have a few ideas.).

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One of the main consequences of the Vibe Shift is the the country's realization we are living in a dystopian medical fascist world (more people have died of the covid vaccine than the virus). It is time the government pulls a real third world banana republic move (not that they haven't done so on many fronts already) and nationalize the vaccine industry, turning it into a non-profit. Then Congress will be able to rescind the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 which gives pharma complete immunity from lawsuits when their products harm someone. I say "then Congress will be able" because until they do, they are owned by Pharma with all the political contributions they receive and they can't bite the hand that feeds them. Take away the natural predator (lawsuits) and the species flourished (the vaccine schedule went from about a dozen shots in the 1970s to about 75 today!). What do you think?

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This gives me great hope for my grandchildren. Inspiring and encouraging for the young people who are tired of pretending. The ‘current thing’ has gone completely insane.

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